Some people consider anime as underrated while others will rather consider them overrated. Overrated literally means praised by most. So you can consider an overrated anime as anime that has gained too more praise than it should actually be. In other words, we can say an overrated anime is one that has gained most like and some people consider that the anime in question is not worthy as they think. In the next section, I will list some titles that didn’t deserve to be seen as much as they have been. Here are the 50 TOP overrated anime.
No | Anime | Rating | Seen by |
1 | Dragon Ball GT (TV) | 5.38 | 8610 |
2 | Hamtaro (TV) | 4.61 | 3796 |
3 | Yu-Gi-Oh! (TV 1/1998) | 5.31 | 4737 |
4 | Pokémon (TV) | 5.50 | 7140 |
5 | Beyblade (TV) | 4.28 | 2469 |
6 | Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (TV) | 4.70 | 2603 |
7 | Final Fantasy: Unlimited (TV) | 5.01 | 2493 |
8 | X (movie) | 5.56 | 3554 |
9 | Pilot Candidate (TV) | 5.37 | 2541 |
10 | Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly (movie 11) | 5.41 | 2608 |
11 | Duel Masters (TV) | 3.44 | 1790 |
12 | Sonic X (TV) | 5.24 | 1951 |
13 | Reign: The Conqueror (TV) | 3.61 | 1451 |
14 | (The) Qwaser of Stigmata (TV) | 5.36 | 1817 |
15 | Cyborg 009 (TV/1968) | 5.20 | 1643 |
16 | Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (TV) | 5.42 | 1867 |
17 | Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug (movie 4) | 5.78 | 3102 |
18 | Tekken: The Motion Picture (OAV) | 3.44 | 1350 |
19 | Zatch Bell (TV) | 5.85 | 3014 |
20 | Kämpfer (TV) | 5.79 | 2588 |
21 | Eiken (OAV) | 4.12 | 1235 |
22 | Monster Rancher (TV) | 5.53 | 1764 |
23 | SD Gundam Force (TV) | 2.80 | 1180 |
24 | Queen’s Blade: The Exiled Virgin (TV) | 5.49 | 1560 |
25 | Ikki Tousen (TV) | 6.03 | 4109 |
26 | Transformers: Armada (TV) | 4.96 | 1179 |
27 | Green Green (OAV) | 5.17 | 1203 |
28 | Medabots (TV) | 5.61 | 1621 |
29 | Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom (TV) | 5.56 | 1548 |
30 | MegaMan NT Warrior (TV) | 5.52 | 1479 |
31 | Agent Aika (OAV) | 5.61 | 1587 |
32 | (The) Super Milk-chan Show (TV) | 3.83 | 1066 |
33 | Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might (movie 3) | 6.06 | 4095 |
34 | Mayoi Neko Overrun! (TV) | 5.17 | 1160 |
35 | Kirby: Right Back At Ya! (TV) | 4.38 | 1073 |
36 | Pokémon Advance (TV) | 5.72 | 1719 |
37 | Naruto: Akaki Yotsuba no Clover o Sagase (OAV) | 5.96 | 2676 |
38 | Amazing Nurse Nanako (TV) | 5.09 | 1118 |
39 | Ninja Resurrection (OAV) | 3.64 | 983 |
40 | Jikū Bōken Nūmamonjaa (OAV) | 4.12 | 991 |
41 | Princess Lover! (TV) | 5.85 | 1918 |
42 | Ragnarok The Animation (TV) | 5.81 | 1803 |
43 | Sengoku Basara – Samurai Kings (TV) | 5.79 | 1749 |
44 | Mouse (TV) | 5.17 | 1051 |
45 | Dragon Ball GT: A Hero’s Legacy (special) | 5.94 | 2079 |
46 | Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals (OAV) | 5.55 | 1195 |
47 | Speed Racer (TV) | 5.94 | 1926 |
48 | Dragon Ball Z: The World’s Strongest (movie 2) | 6.16 | 3935 |
49 | Akane Maniax (OAV) | 5.56 | 1175 |
50 | Avenger (TV) | 5.42 | 1081 |
How did you find the overrating? As for me most of the animes listed are really overrated than normally how they should be. I guess it’s because they are popular and everybody talks about them more than any other that is even far cooler and more interesting than those listed above.

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