There are simply too many Badass Hunter x Hunter fights for anyone to be able to name them all off-hand, but here we will list the top 18 battles, ranked.
Shonen series has a knack for dramatic, high-stakes battles that can make everyone root for the hero, fear the evil, and cry at the conclusion. In anime, the battle scene art is distinctive because it demonstrates the precise design characteristic that sets the author apart. Yoshihiro Togashi’s Hunter x Hunter is one of the greatest shonen series to perfect the combat scene.
Hunter x Hunter fights Ranked
Gon Vs. Hanzo

The importance of the early Hunter x Hunter games in setting the stage for the franchise is underappreciated. The Hunter Exam arc gives fans a taste of this marvelously odd universe created by Yoshihiro Togashi, whilst the later chapters are filled with intrigue, Nen powers, and a variety of creatures.
Gon’s most humiliating experience was when he faced the ninja Hanzo, despite the fact that he always seemed to be highly capable, even against Hisoka. Gon was strong and swift enough, but Hanzo’s superior training was simply too much for the youthful combatant. But Gon ultimately prevailed in the fight by displaying his unflappable resolve.
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Killua Vs. The 288th Hunter Exam Applicants

The next badass Hunter x Hunter fights is that of Killua and the Hunter exam applicants. Due to the shady behavior of his older brother Illumi (and his needles), Killua fails the 287th Hunter Exam. The following year, he returned to retake the exam.
This time, he defeats a record 1489 of his fellow examinees by simply rendering them all unconscious, winning the case in the first round.
He moved so quickly that no one else had a chance. The decision shocks the examiner, but Netero assures him that the results are fair, converting Killua to a Hunter at last. It’s too bad that it only lasts a few seconds.
Team Gon Vs. Team Bombers

Fans may have anticipated a magical excursion filled with bizarre allusions to gaming when Gon and Killua declared that they were traveling to a video game realm. Unanticipated by the audience was a cunning struggle for survival and resources. Gon was on the scene to put an end to Greed Island’s protracted lack of a victor.
Genthru and his group attempted to manipulate the system by stealing and extorting as many cards as they could with their bomb abilities. When Biscuit had completed instructing Gon and Killua on how to polish their Nen, they had amassed a sizable number of cards. The group then engaged Genthru in a strategic battle while deftly combining Nen with the video game logic of Greed Island.
Cheetu Vs. Silva Zoldyck

We cant’s talk about the top badass Hunter x Hunter fights without mentioning that of Cheetu and Silva. One of the series’ most irritatingly arrogant villains (or characters, to be honest) is Cheetu. He annoys the hell out of everyone he encounters with his relentless self-promotion. Unfortunately for him, he makes the terrible choice to support Zeno Zoldyck and demand a fight, but not because of the elderly guy.
In fact, it’s his son Silva who flies down from the heavens with such a powerful impact that it practically obliterates Cheetu, leaving nothing but a pool of blood and guts in its wake. A bloody but extremely satisfying end to any conflict.
The Phantom Troupe Vs. The Chimera Ants

Although the Phantom Troupe received a lot of attention in the early episodes of the series, they have received a lot less since the Greed Island arc. Their return during the Chimera Ant arc was all the more noteworthy because of their lengthy absence.
However, the fact that they encountered the mutant Chimera Ants only served to highlight the Troupe’s destructive potential.
Even though the Ants had a variety of potent weapons at their disposal, the Troupe only wanted to protect its home zone and kill some time. What followed was a brief reminder that, in comparison to someone like Feitan, Chimera Ants were simply insects. Feitan then went on to instantly burn the evil “Queen” Zazan to death.
Youpi Vs. Killua, Shoot, Knuckle, & Morel

Another badass Hunter x Hunter fight we witnessed was that of Youpi, Killua, Shoot, Knuckle, and Morel. Apart from Meruem, Menthuthuyoupi is by far the most potent Chimera Ant to have ever been produced; it has been determined that his aura production exceeds even that of Netero.
Naturally, the Royal Guard does not possess the knowledge, expertise, or plain cunning that the former Chairman of the Hunter Association possessed.
However, the brute power he possesses is more than sufficient to defeat experienced Hunters like Morel, Knuckle, and Shoot (often all at once), not to mention the ease with which he deflects Killua’s lightning strikes. Although this conflict spans numerous chapters/episodes, the wait is worthwhile.
Morel Vs. Leol

Considering his extensive understanding of Nen and his combat prowess, Morel certainly deserves more screen time in the series. Every operation or combat in which he takes part is usually characterized by a calm intellect that is unusual in the shonen anime subgenre.
Morel demonstrated to viewers just how terrifying a Sea Hunter can be, in contrast to most Hunters who are portrayed more like certified martial artists. Morel’s intellectual duel with Leol further demonstrated his remarkable talent. Even if Leol may not be as intelligent as Morel, the Chimera Ant managed to test the Hunter’s abilities.
Chrollo Vs. Zeno & Silva Zoldyck

The next top badass Hunter x Hunter fights are Chrollo vs. Zeno and Silva. Despite Zeno and Silva Zoldyck being recruited by the Ten Dons to kill Chrollo Lucifer, the spider’s head, the conflict is as challenging as one might anticipate from these people. The Zoldycks are not hampered by their opponent’s transition into offensive mode as a result of Silva’s pure might and Zeno’s intricate strategies.
Chrollo, though, manages to avoid Silva’s double shot at the very last second. Zeno praises him, adding that if it had been just the old man and him, he would have won without a doubt.
Hisoka Vs. Kastro

An old foe of Hisoka’s, Kastro, battled his way through the Heavens Arena while training. Kastro displayed amazing strength early on in their fight, and he also used a mysterious Nen power to effectively maim Hisoka. Hisoka devised a sophisticated sequence of cunning maneuvers to set up a fatal trap for Kastro as payback.
At this time, Hunter x Hunter had never used supernatural abilities, and it’s simple for anime shows to lean into simple power-ups and one-shot attacks. Togashi, on the other hand, conducted this meeting with elegance and patience, enabling Hisoka and Kastro to show their frailties. In the end, Hisoka grabbed the win from Kastro’s dead, cold hands.
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Uvogin Vs. Kurapika

The conflict between Kurapika and Uvogin, the Phantom Troupe’s strongest member physically, shows the full extent of Kurapika’s rage, is another one of the top badass Hunter x Hunter fights. He struggles mightily to win, but in the end, he succeeds in encircling his adversary’s heart with his renowned Judgement Chain.
He threatens Uvogin with a torturous, drawn-out death if he does not tell what he knows about his allies. Even though Kurapika has a sinister side, this battle shows how flexible and intricate his Nen skills are.
Hisoka Vs. Gotoh

Gotoh, the devoted butler of the Zoldyck family, initially has doubts about Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio. Although he first came across as a complete monster, he eventually faced off against a true expert in the murdering game. In this match, Hisoka is forced to play defense as Gotoh dominates for the majority of the time with his overpowered coin-bullet gimmick.
However, Hisoka doesn’t let up and sets up a trap of his own to get the butler from hell. It was intriguing to watch Hisoka square up against a rival who had at least as much training and experience as him, if not more, as he was already known to be a mysterious and dangerous menace at this time.
Feitan Vs. Zazan

Feitan Portor is no match for Zazan, the Chimera Ant, who gains the upper hand after transforming into a dreadful lizard creature. She then successfully breaks her opponent’s arm, forcing the Phantom Troupe member to use his most powerful move.
Feitan’s Rising Sun appears to be so powerful that it can completely destroy its surroundings. Zazan quickly learns what happens when his opponent is hurt because she quickly turns into ash. This is indeed another one of the badass Hunter x Hunter fights.
Related: Hunter x Hunter 1999 vs. Hunter x Hunter 2011
Gon Vs. Hisoka

The battle between Gon and Hisoka at Heaven’s Arena is a celebration of modest successes. Hisoka merely kept quiet in anticipation of Gon’s future growth, while Gon put in a lot of effort to punch Gon. Even though this fight is a compelling sight in and of itself, its main goal is to highlight the apparent insurmountable gap between the two competitors.
Gon attempts to surprise Hisoka by using a variety of newly acquired skills, but Hisoka transforms the conflict into a teaching opportunity by playing with Gon. It’s really a remarkable display of strength and character, demonstrating that in this series, even enormous strides in strength are ultimately only modest ones.
Dodgeball In Greed Island

We can’t actually talk about the top badass Hunter x Hunter fights without mentioning this alliance. As weird as it may sound, Hisoka teams up with Gon, Killua, and Ging to play a game of dodgeball with Razor, an old buddy of Ging’s.
The three of them demonstrate to the veteran Hunter that they are as creative as they are inexperienced by using Hisoka’s Bungee Gum, Killua’s quickness, and Gon’s Rock-Paper-Scissors. Hisoka finally achieves victory by using Gon’s momentum in his favor to push Razor off the field.
Uvogin Vs. The Shadow Beasts

The Shadow Beasts, an exceptionally gifted set of combatants, were enlisted to guard the Ten Dons of the Mafia in Yorknew City. Rabid Dog’s aggressiveness, Porcupine’s wit, Leech’s parasitism, and Worm’s amazing adaptability almost completely overwhelmed their opponent, who was obviously outmatched.
On the other side, Uvogin of the Phantom Troupe used his Big Bang Impact to gain the upper hand. Then, one by one, he eviscerated all four of his adversaries after smashing himself free. The power differential between the Phantom Troupe and everyone else was made clear during this conflict, which also helped Uvogin establish himself as a terrifying foe.
Gon Vs. Neferpitou

This is surely one of the badass Hunter x Hunter fights. Throughout the Chimera Ant storyline, Gon had been trying to save Kite after getting a false sense of optimism from Neferpitou. Something inside him suddenly shattered when he saw that Kite was already dead.
Gon made a Nen pledge, giving up the majority of his aura in exchange for unfathomable strength. Neferpitou attempted to sneak attack Gon while he was distracted, but Gon easily batted her away and then crushed her corpse into a pulp. One of the strongest characters in Hunter x Hunter may very well be Adult Gon.
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Meruem Vs. Netero

The fight in the story between Isaac Netero, the Chairman of the Hunter Association, and Meruem, the Ant King, is one of the most exciting and intriguing fights ever. The latter’s Guanyin Boddhisatva launches a barrage of assaults, but the villain is able to rip off his opponent’s arm and leg.
At this time, Netero activates the Zero Hand in an effort to harm or even destroy Meruem, but this too has no impact. The elderly guy makes his final move by stabbing himself in the chest, detonating the mini-nuke attached to his heart while doing so. Despite the fact that Youpi and Pouf have restored the Ant King, who technically wins this battle as well, the poison concealed by the explosion nevertheless claims his life.
Hisoka Vs. Chrollo Lucifer

Unfortunately, the anime adaptation of one of the best Hunter x Hunter matches is still in the works. Hisoka requests a one-on-one duel, and Chrollo Lucifer reluctantly agrees to have it in the Heavens Arena. Chrollo and Hisoka decided to make this a fight to the death since they didn’t want to be constrained by any kind of restrictions.
The two remorseless warriors did everything at their disposal to get the kill, subjecting the innocent spectators who paid money to watch this fight to mind control, explosives, and the forcible removal of limbs. The battle is ultimately won by Chrollo, but Hisoka escapes by appearing to be dead.

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