Some Intriguing Questions About Hisoka are frequently asked by fans.
One of Hunter x Hunter’s most enigmatic characters, Hisoka leaves fans wondering about everything from the reasons behind his acts to the fundamentals of his past. Though his influence on Gon’s adventure is apparent, Hisoka manages to hold his cards close to his chest practically every step of the way, whether as a friend or an enemy.
Hisoka is one of the most well-liked characters in Hunter x Hunter due to his undeniable strength, cunning, and ability to skillfully manipulate every situation in his favor. And while many things about the mysterious magician are still a mystery, Hisoka’s background is explained in some detail.
Frequently Asked Intriguing Questions About Hisoka
Can Hisoka use All the Nen Types?

The first frequently asked intriguing question about Hisoka is if he can use any type of Nen.
Hisoka’s primary Nen type is Transmutation, and he frequently exhibits this power whenever he makes use of his aura for skills like Bungee Gum. It’s interesting to note that in addition to Transmutation, Hisoka is also capable of using other Nen, such as Conjuration, which he employs in Texture Surprise.
In addition to these two categories, Hisoka also showed some aptitude with Enhancement, Emission, and Manipulation Nen, demonstrating just how well-rounded a fighter he is. So yes he can definitely use many types of Nen
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Why is Hisoka’s Hair color inconsistent in the Anime?
Another frequently asked intriguing question about Hisoka is his hair color.
The 1999 and 2011 versions of Hunter x Hunter diverge significantly. Hisoka’s look, notably his hair, is significantly different from all the other characters in a lot of ways. For instance, Hisoka’s hair was blue throughout the entire series in the anime adaptation from 1999.
In contrast, his hair appeared to be both red and magenta in the 2011 anime. Since his eyes were blue in the 1999 version and yellow in the 2011 version, his eye color also differed significantly between the two incarnations, much like his hair.
Is Hisoka an Antagonist or the Fifth Protagonist?

Hisoka is frequently viewed by many viewers as being bad because he is one of the primary antagonists of the broader narrative. He’s undoubtedly killed people who he felt weren’t worth his time or attention. But Hisoka never intentionally hurts others.
When someone gets in his way, he will respond appropriately and remove them without delay. Only those he deems deserving of being crushed, such as the main character Gon, suffer that fate at his hands. In a nutshell, Hisoka is a morally bankrupt person.
What does Hisoka want with Gon?
While Hisoka’s true motivations are still unknown, he has actually been rather open about the outward causes of his involvement with Gon. Hisoka has made it clear time and time again that beating formidable foes is his biggest love in life, to the point that he will outright refuse to engage with people he considers to be insufficient. So far, the majority of his acts in the narrative have been at least partially consistent with this objective.
Hisoka remarked that he thought Gon had amazing potential and wanted to see what he would eventually be capable of when they first met. He has so far stuck by his word and declined to attack Gon, even going so far as to temporarily support Gon and Killua.
Although Hisoka surely has many ulterior intentions, it appears that he sincerely wants to see Gon develop into a formidable foe.
What did Hisoka say to Bodoro?

Hisoka’s second opponent will be Bodoro after he forfeits his fight with Kurapika in the final exam phase. The fact that Hisoka won is not very surprising, but how he did it has remained a mystery since it was first portrayed. Bodoro is forced to forfeit after hearing Hisoka mention something in a whisper.
Many fans have speculated that Hisoka may have threatened to harm Gon or Killua if Bodoro didn’t forfeit, given that Bodoro had stated that he refused to hurt children. Hisoka is well-known for spreading extravagant threats, this seems like one of the more well-founded explanations for this mystery.
How Strong is Hisoka?
Another intriguing question you may about Hisoka you are craving to get an answer to is how strong is Hisoka actually. Although Hisoka’s real strength level has never been clearly established, he has established himself as one of the strongest Hunters in the series and a very dangerous opponent. In addition to having extraordinary physical ability and Nen mastery.
Hisoka is also extremely intellectual and capable of coming up with seemingly foolproof plans. He was able to slay Zoldyck butler Gotoh and Single-Star Hunter Bushidora, become a Floor Master, and defeat other Phantom Troupe members.
Chrollo is the only character to have significantly defeated Hisoka during the series. Hisoka is able to create a technique for self-resurrection though, putting together a complicated network of Nen powers and effects that bring him back to life despite having had his body entirely shattered. In the end, he fails to murder Chrollo, but he succeeds in conquering death.
Who Voices Hisoka?

In the 2011 anime adaptation, Hisoka received new voice actors for both the original Japanese version and the English dub, giving him a total of four. Hisoka is voiced by Brendan Hunter (EN) and Hiroki Takahashi (JP) in the 1999 adaptation. Brendan Hunter has made appearances in many Gundam series in addition to Hisoka.
And while Hiroki Takahashi is arguably best known as Ryu from Street Fighter, fans may also recognize him as Pariston Hill from the 2011 adaptation of Hunter x Hunter. Keith Silverstein (EN) and Daisuke Namikawa (JP) are Hisoka’s voice actors for the 2011 adaptation.
How Old is Hisoka?
. This is one of the most frequently asked intriguing questions about Hisoka. Hisoka has hardly ever discussed his history or divulged any private information, refusing to share even the most basic details like his age. Hisoka’s age has never been mentioned in any official Hunter x Hunter content, despite several claims to the contrary. Furthermore, Hisoka’s age is always given as ‘unknown’ even when the ages of other characters are specified.
Hisoka is thought to be in his mid-20s, similar to Illumi Zoldyck, with whom he appears to have the closest ties. He may be anywhere between 25 and 200, though, because there is no definitive answer and because of all the other peculiar characteristics about him. It is unknown why the clown is disguising his age, but admirers are hopeful that they will ultimately learn something about it.
How Tall is Hisoka?

It is unknown exactly how tall Hisoka is, as is customary for him. Chrollo specifies that they are seeking someone over 6’2″ while the Phantom Troupe is looking for him at Heaven’s Arena during the Succession War arc. Even though this is more detailed than the majority of the material provided regarding Hisoka, it is still unable to provide a precise solution.
What Did Hisoka Whisper to Kurapika?
Hisoka notoriously gives up his duel against Kurapika during the Hunter Exam by whispering something into his ear. This happens when Kurapika’s eyes turn red and his Kurta ancestry is revealed. It is not yet clear to the viewer what specifically Hisoka said at that point or why he abruptly left the fight, but it appeared to have a significant impact on Kurapika.
Hisoka muttered “I know something interesting about spiders” to Kurapika during the battle, according to what Kurapika later revealed to his buddies. The group is also informed by Kurapika that Hisoka was confronted by him and instructed to meet him in Yorknew in September.
Although this exchange takes place at the start of the Heaven’s Arena arc, it prepares the audience for the Yorknew arc, in which Kurapika will confront the Spiders for their atrocities against his tribe.
What Episode Does Hisoka Fight Chrollo?

Hisoka has made it known that he wants to battle Chrollo, the Spider’s Head, ever since the Phantom Troupe was introduced. This objective drives almost all of his interactions with the Troupe, including pretending to be a member and briefly working with the gang.
In Hunter x Hunter, Hisoka, and Chrollo are two of the most powerful Nen users. They also appear to be cognitively and physically equal. One of the most eagerly anticipated parts of the novel was their battle.
However, the Battle to the Death has not yet been animated because the 2011 anime ends at the conclusion of the Election Arc. It might take some time before viewers get to see Chrollo and Hisoka square off on TV, despite the fact that it happened in some of the final chapters published before the break.
Does Hisoka Love Someone?
Another one of the most frequently asked intriguing questions about Hisoka is whether he has a love interest or not. Hisoka is a narcissist who believes that he is the strongest and doesn’t love anyone but himself. He is searching for a foe, not someone to fall in love with.
Hisoka enjoys “fighting” people but cannot love. He simply exists to battle. Additionally, Hisoka is a fucking oddball. It makes sense why Machi wanted to get out of there immediately.
Why is Hisoka a villain/antagonist in Hunter X Hunter?

Hisoka is not a decent, morally upright person. But he’s also not exactly a bad guy. Villains in anime usually have a huge scheme, desiring to rule the world, having a lot of power, and harming everyone and everything without discrimination in order to achieve their goals. Hisoka desires to combat (and/or kill) those he believes to be powerful. He appears to classify humans into three groups.
1. People he perceives as weak who won’t engage in combat unless forced to (such as other examinees and hunters during his time working with Illumi).
2. Those he views as powerful and fervently desires to combat (Chrollo, Zodiacs)
3. People (Gon and Company) who have the potential to grow into strong people and whom they want to fight when they are older.
In addition, he assisted Gon and Killua in the G.I. challenge against Razor, even though doing so didn’t or doesn’t benefit him in any way. When they won, he said, “It was only possible with all your help.” Consider this a team victory.
What makes Hisoka from Hunter x Hunter so popular?
He has unusual personal qualities and is a highly interesting character. He is a spooky badass who exhibits no vulnerability. Hisoka also features one of the series’ most dynamic designs. He has an incredibly captivating personality and is important everywhere he goes.
What is Hisoka famous for?
He can use Bungee Gum. Hisoka has the power to make his aura replicate the characteristics of gum and rubber. His opponents can be restrained, attacked, or pulled against him using this skill, which is very adaptable and can be employed in a variety of ways.
Is Hisoka Gay or Not?
This also one of the most frequently asked intriguing questions about Hisoka. He is not gay because he has no love interest in any guy. Nevertheless, he is. only due to his marriage to Illumi.
What is Hisoka’s mental illness?
Hisoka is seen as a psychopath. The major distinction between a psychopath and a sociopath is that the former has a conscience, although a feeble one, while the latter has none at all. Psychopaths “see others as objects he can use for his own benefit.” Right, that sounds like Hisoka.
What is Hisoka’s weakness?
In the series, Hisoka’s weakness is not made explicit. He can, however, be reckless and overconfident, which can cause him to underestimate his rivals.
Is Hisoka Engaged to anyone?

Yes, Hisoka is engaged. This is by far the most unexpected piece of Hisoka news. Chrollo invites Illumi Zoldyck, the newest member of the Phantom Troupe, to identify himself in manga chapter 377, titled “Scheme.” Everyone hears from Illumi that Hisoka invited him to join the Troupe.
Only Illumi there reveals that Hisoka had hired him to commit suicide. Additionally, Hisoka granted him a prenuptial agreement so that Illumi could get his prize even if Hisoka passed away for their engagement ring.
We are unsure of the specifics of their relationship. One thing is for certain—all of these complications will only be resolved when the manga resumes publication after an indefinite break.
Is Hisoka really dead?
You should be happy since Hisoka is still alive. Yes, Chrollo murdered him during the fight, but Hisoka still managed to pull off another bluff, proving his reputation as a joker. Machi attempted to stitch up Hisoka after the fight when he died. His aura reemerged from his body as he was doing this. Hisoka gave his nen instructions to use the Bungee gum to restore his heart and lungs if he passed away, as was later revealed.
We also know that a person’s Nen will remain in their body even after they pass away if they have a strong sense of resolve. Hisoka had a strong will, thus his nen stayed inside of him, did as he told it to, and revived him.

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