Expecto Patronum!!! Meaning waiting for a protector. It is a spell used in Harry Potter’s wizarding world to chase away the terrifying Azkaban dementors. Still in the wizarding spirit, this April 2022 promises us spells and potions. How? That’s because The Dawn of the Witch TV anime will premiere in April 2022. Sit tight, for the dawn of the witch does not only present us spells and potions. We equally have knights (to hunt down the witches and wizards and protect the weak), and beast-men (creatures half beast, half men).
The dawn of the witch anime has its material gotten from its light novel and in the lines below we shall reveal all information surrounding this upcoming anime. So, if you haven’t read the lite novel (like most people) but still want to get a genuine Avant-gout before the airing of the anime, you are at the right place. So, buckle up for we are going to discuss the upcoming of The Dawn of the Witch TV anime.

photo: wikipedia.org
In which universe shall we travel to?
The official Twitter account for Kodansha’s Magapoke app revealed that the anime adaptation of writer Kakeru Kobashiri’s The Dawn of the Witch (Mahōtsukai Reimeiki) light novel series will premiere in April 2022. It is a fantasy story set in the same world as Grimoire of Zero (Zero Kara Hajimeru Mahō no Sho). We shall be presented with several categories of witches. These witches are to thrive in different environments. Some peaceful (symbiosis with surrounding neighbors), some very hostile (each square inch of area is a deadly snare or trap). The Dawn of the witch begins in an already existent setting. In order to understand where things are going, we must know where they are coming from. We must understand what happened in Grimoire of Zero.
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Grimoire of Zero
Since the dawn of the witch takes after Grimoire of zero, it is but normal to know what grimoire of zero was all about. Grimoire of zero talks of the adventure of a certain witch and a particular mercenary. The witch is called Zero and she is in search of her grimoire (isn’t it obvious). Zero is a genius witch. The kind of genius that appears once every new moon. She grows among a witch pack secluded underground in a particular forest. Zero studies magic (as every good witch) but with the intention of using spells to ease life.
So, she comes up with a very easy practical spell and records all of that in her grimoire. Little did she know that her grimoire would become a war device. Zero has a guardian that supervised her. This supposed guardian left her, saying he was going on a trip and promising he would eventually be back. As all those who go on trips do, he did not come back. After a long wait, Zero discovers her grimoire is missing and leaves her underground haven in search for it.
Her first friendly encounter is with a beast-man. This tiger-looking man is a mercenary who hates witches from the bottom of his heart (his heart is comparable to that of the nine tails in Naruto Shippuden). Zero promises to undo his beast-like situation with the condition of him being her ‘bodyguard’ (a body guard that is instead protected). Thus, starts a complicated adventure. Amidst the stigma thrown at witches and beast-men, those two paved their way. Always forward, showing us love, courage, hardship, loyalty. With that they achieved a great feat. From their achievement takes off the dawn of the witch. The dawn of the witch comes in to bring light in the aftermath of grimoire of zero.

Photo: zeronosyo.fandom.com
The Dawn of the Witch
Just the title tells us things must have changed since grimoire of zero. As expected, things have changed. In The Dawn of the Witch, there is an abundant era of peace. No more extravagant fight between the Church and the Witches (If only it was true in our real world…). There cannot be global peace, right? War will still subsist somewhere. This happens to be where the MC (main character) in the dawn of the witch is found (talk about ill luck). Our MC, named Savil, is that normal dude and non-special magic studying student. He has apparently lost all memory of the time before attending college.
In order for him to avoid expulsion from his school, he joins a special class led by eccentric professor Loux Krystas, the Dawn Witch. In that class, he has as classmates: Hort, a talented witch who signs up as a sort of graduate student, and Kudo, a sullen lizard-man. His school’s headmaster, Albus (Albus… Albus Dumbledore? haha, kidding) sends them to a certain area for a special training. That area is full of hatred and acute persecution against witches. I think we can pretty much guess where all this is going to.

Photo: animenewsnetwork.com
Well, the plot is pretty straight but trust me, it is entertaining. If you are like me who doesn’t want to read the light novel and also doesn’t want to wait till April 2022, there is a manga version of The Dawn of the Witch. The manga is done by Tatsuwo and is published by Kondansha comics. The manga is already in its 4th Volume. With this, we have briefly said all that has to be said.
While salivating the upcoming of The Dawn of the Witch, in April 2022, you might to look at:
Complete List Of Upcoming Anime TV Series To See This Fall 2021.

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