Anime news: Everything You Need to Know on Tokyo revengers Season Two Release Date

Tokyo revengers season two is actually on production, but there is no official date for the Ken Wakui‘s work second season. However many of us are still asking ourselves when is Tokyo revengers Season Two Release Date. As well as how many volumes the second seasons will be adapting.
Today we will demystify all the mystery behind this subject that have urging many fans. Well, let’s first begin and explain how al started.
Tokyo Revengers is a Shonen time traveling anime having as main character Takemichi Hanagaki. Takemichi Hanagaki is a 26 years old virgin (poor him 🙂 ) who learns that his ex-girlfriend(Hinata Tachibana) back in his school days has been murdered by the Tokyo Manji Gang. Tokyo Manji Gang is a biker gang based in Shibuya, Tokyo. They also known as Toman.
Later on he had an accident(someone pushed him from the back on the train track) in the station then finds himself in a time leap.
Tokyo revengers so far had one season with 24 episodes. It aired from April 2021 to September 2021. We are now waiting for Tokyo revengers season two to air as soon as possible.
However there is a live-action film adaptation you can watch. Unfortunately, Tokyo revengers season two release date has not yet be announced. Nevertheless, there are many speculation about date exact Tokyo revenger season two release date. But before that let’s take a look at the number of volumes that will likely be adapted and answers few fan’s questions.
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How many volumes does Tokyo Revengers have ?
Tokyo revengers manga series has 26 volumes published in Japan since February 2022. The anime is based on the mange series written and illustrated by Ken wakui
Will there be New Volumes of Tokyo Revengers Manga ?
Yes, the author said in 2021 that Tokyo revengers has entered it final arc and volume 27 release date will likely be on April 2022.
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How many volumes will Tokyo revengers season 2 covers ?
Season two of Tokyo revengers will start from volume 9 of the manga and end on volume 12. Season one ran from volume 1 to 8.
How many episode will figure in Season Two of Toyo revengers ?
There will likely 12 episodes in the second season since it should adapt only the Christmas arc. We hope there will be enough materials to create a third and why not a 4 season.
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Tokyo revengers Season Two Release Date ?
Actually the second season has been confirmed and on production but the exact official release date is yet to be confirmed. As we said earlier, some speculations says that the release date falls between July and October 2022.
What I have noticed so far about anime release date is that once a season comes out it takes around 12 to 18 months for another season to come out. All I hope personally is studio LIDENFILMS come up with a higher quality production.
I will be updating this post as soon as possible so stay in touch in order to get the best from it
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