50 Powerful and Emotional Studio Ghibli Quotes to Make Your Life Better

Who is unaware of Studio Ghibli? Japanese animation film studio Studio Ghibli is well-known for creating numerous successful animated movies. Several Studio Ghibli productions have garnered multiple accolades and rank in the top ten highest-grossing anime movies in Japan. The three most well-known Studio Ghibli movies are Spirited Away (2001), Howl’s Moving Castle(2004) and My Neighbor Totoro (1988). These movies from SG can uplift and inspire, with tales of mythical animals as well as tales of tenacity and optimism. We have established a curated list of the most powerful and emotional Studio Ghibli quotes to add more light to your life and make it better.
Summary- Best Motivational Studio Ghibli Quotes
1. Life is a winking light in the darkness – Grave of the Fireflies(1988)

2. It’s not really important what color your dress is. What matters is the heart inside. – Kiki’s Delivery Service(1989)
3. One thing you can always count on is that hearts change. – Howl’s Moving Castle(2004)
4. We each need to find our own Inspiration. Sometimes that’s not easy. – Kiki’s Delivery Service(1989)
5. Life, as they say, has its ups and downs. At times, the waves may taunt you, tossing you in their swells. But take heart. It’s hard to stick with it and make it on your own. But even a couple of losers can survive most things if they’re together. – My Neighbors the Yamadas(1999)

6. Just follow your heart and keep smiling. – Kiki’s Delivery Service(1989)
7. You cannot alter your fate. However, you can rise to meet it.- Princess Mononoke(1997)
8. There’s no future for people who worship the future, and forget the past. – From Up On Poppy Hill(2011)

9. Yesterday’s Gone, So Has the Day Before. Don’t Waste Today Arguing About It – When Marnie was There(2014)

10. Life is suffering. It is hard. The world is cursed. But still, you find reasons to keep living. – Princess Mononoke(1997)
11. No matter how many weapons you have, no matter how great your technology might be, the world cannot live without love. – Castle in the Sky(1986)
12. Well, they say that happy women make a happy village. – Princess Mononoke(1997)
13. Sometimes You Have To Fight For The Things That Are Worth Fighting For. – The Secret World Of Arrietty(2010)

14. If today is no good, you’ll have tomorrow. If tomorrow’s no good, you’ll have the next day. – Only Yesterday(1991)
15. They say the best blaze burns brightest when circumstances are at their worst. – Howl’s Moving Castle(2004)
16. Life is suffering. It is hard. The world is cursed. But still, you find reasons to keep on living. – Princess Mononoke(1997)
Inspiration unlocks the future. – The Wind Rises(2014)
17. Everybody, Try Laughing. Then Whatever Scares You Will Go Away! – My Neighbor Totoro(1988)

18. There’s No Future for People Who Worship the Future, and Forget the Past – From up on Poppy Hill(2011)
19. I’m a soldier, not some love-sick puppy. – Porco Rosso(1992)

20. The rough stone is inside of you. You have to find it…and then polish it. – Whisper of the Heart(1995)
21. Sophie, you are beautiful. – Howl’s Moving Castle(2004)
22. Always Believe In Yourself. Do This And No Matter Where You Are, You Will Have Nothing To Fear. – The Cat Returns(2002)

23. It’s Funny How You Wake Up Each Day And Never Really Know If It’ll Be One That Will Change Your Life Forever. – The Secret World Of Arrietty(2010)
24. I Love Ponyo Whether She’s A Fish, A Human, Or Something In Between. – Ponyo(2008)
25. You cannot see the light without the darkness. – The Wind Rises(2014)
26. Now go and don’t look back. – Spirited Away(2001)

17. Magnificent Tree. It’s Been Around Since Long Ago, Back In The Time When People And Trees Used To Be Friends – My Neighbor Totoro(1988)
28. Nothing that happens is ever forgotten, even if you can’t remember it. – Spirited Away(2001)
29. Just follow your heart, and keep smiling. —Kiki’s Delivery Service(1989)
30. Deny Death, And You Deny Life. – Tales From Earthsea(2006)
31. Turn Your Face Toward the Sun, and the Shadows Fall Behind You – Tales from Earthsea(2006)

32. Believe in yourself. Walk your path. – Porco Rosso(1992)
33. I’d rather be a pig than a fascist – Porco Rosso(1992)
34. The Earth speaks to all of us, and if we listen, we can understand. – Castle in the Sky(1986)
35. May All Your Bacon Burn – Howl’s Moving Castle(2004)

36. I don’t want to run away anymore. I want to see what it’s like when I don’t. – Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind(1984).
37. It’s not easy to live your own way. You can’t blame anyone but yourself. – Whisper of the heart(1995)
38. Sometimes what you’re looking for comes when you’re not looking at all. – Ocean Waves(1995)

39. Danger Doesn’t Always Come From the Enemy – Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind(1984)

40. Many of the things that seem impossible now will become realities tomorrow. – Howl’s Moving Castle(2004).
41. These days, there are angry ghosts all around us. Dead from wars, sickness, starvation, and nobody cares. So – you say you’re under a curse. So what, so’s the whole damn world. – Princess Mononoke(1997)

42. Who has seen the wind? Neither I nor you: But when the leaves hang trembling, The wind is passing through. – The Wind Rises(2014).
43. It’s wonderful when you can bring sparkle into people’s lives, especially under difficult circumstances. – Castle in the Sky(1986).
44. If you find yourself troubled by something mysterious or a problem that’s hard to solve, there’s a place you can go where you always find help. You just need to look for it. – The cat returns(2002)
45. Well, ghosts are a lot harder to see. But when you suddenly move from a lighted room to a dark one, you can’t see for a second, and that’s when the dust bunnies come out.- My Neighbour Totoro(1988).
46. Sheeta, do you know why I’m here? To get you and the crystal. And I’ll do whatever it takes. – Castle in the Sky(1986).

47. But remember this, Japanese boy… airplanes are not tools for war. They are not for making money. Airplanes are beautiful dreams. Engineers turn dreams into reality. –The Wind Rises(2014)

48. I’m not going to die. I’m going home like a gentleman. – Porco Rosso(1992)
49. There’s no future for people who worship the future, and forget the past. – From Up On Poppy Hill(2011)
50. Haku, listen. I just remembered something from a long time ago. I think it may help you. Once, when I was little, I dropped my shoe into a river. When I tried to get it back, I fell in. I thought I’d drown but the water carried me to shore. It finally came back to me. The river’s name was the Kohaku River. I think that was you, and your real name is Kohaku River. – Spirited Away(2001).

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